What the heck is a “shoestrapper” anyway?! Well.. it’s silly. The first house we owned was on Shoestrap Road in Lyme, NH. We don’t know why it was named that but it was catchy so we reference it a lot. Our son also grew up in that house and it has a ton of great memories. Shoestrap is also a lot like bootstrap, as-in “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”.. which is how we’ve always lived. Plus I don’t know.. we like shoes?
Our family loves to travel, eat and hike (Jesse and I more so than Ashok but once in a while, we drag him up a mountain such as in the below picture)😉. Savitri and Ashok love to cook and bake. Jesse loves everything badminton. When we travel, we try to do these hobbies too. We plan to add our past trips to this blog so you will see some of those pictures. Stay tuned …
Ashok, Savitri, and Jesse